Monday, September 10, 2012

Summer Draws To A Close

It's kind of weird, but as you're starting to read issue 3, I'm wrapping up issue 11! I only post one page a week to make sure I have a nice buffer and don't run out of material, but the buffer is getting pretty big! At some point I may have to dump some and catch up to myself, but I'm sure as soon as I do I'll run out of time and get behind!

Anyway, since summer is drawing to a close, I thought I'd give you a little extra - the gang has been on a little vacation, and sent in a postcard. It looks like they're having quite a bit of fun, too!

Issue 4 is going to catch us up on some of what they've been up to for the summer (as well as giving a close look at their choices in swimwear), so make sure to stay tuned! It should come along at a good time to warm up your autumn!

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