Friday, September 28, 2012

Issue 03 page 3

Hmm, catchy tune, something we can all relate to, I give it a 9.5!

Thursday, September 27, 2012


Come on in, we've got a cup ready for you!

I just listed the site with The Webcomic List, and have noticed a huge spike in traffic. So, to all the new visitors, a very warm welcome. We hope PnP becomes your favorite place to hang out, relax, and have a nice hot cup of coffee. Anything else that happens to be hot and come your way, well, enjoy that too!

Sunday, September 23, 2012

Refractory Period

Some things just can't be rushed, no matter how much we all may like them to be!

So, when I first started putting this series together, I looked at a lot of web comics to see what kind of format they used, and how often they updated. I came across a few "standard themes"...
  1. Most say they update on a regular basis, then every update comes with a note saying, "hey, you guys, I'm really sorry about how late this page was, but life really sucks, and I promise to do better...".
  2. Some say they update on certain days, and keep to the schedule pretty diligently. This is rare, and they usually have some kind of paid model, either special member's areas or bonus content for sale. Also ads, lots and lots of ads.
  3. A few just say "Screw it, I'll update when I get to it." I like that honesty, but most of these sites seem to be abandoned, or update very, very rarely.
I didn't like any of those models. Now, obviously, I'm not making any money off of this, so I do have to have a "real job" to pay the mortgage and all that, so I can't spend inordinate amounts of time on it. But, I do it because I like it, and it's a great stress reliever, and I get to write the stories that I want to read, so I want to take it seriously.

So, I started off with a pretty big stash of pages in the hopper before I started posting, and I work in spurts (pun intended), so I can keep a pretty big reserve for times when I can get to it for a while. End result, I've finished issue 11 as issue 3 is starting to be published. That's a pretty big reserve! I also know, however, that I've only got one more storyline sketched out, and one more seed of an idea after that. So, it's kind of scary to think I may actually run out of ideas!

So here's what I'm thinking (for now, at least). I'm going to switch from one page a week, to one every 5 days. That doesn't seem like a big difference, but it means 73 pages a year instead of  52, so that's pretty big. That way, I'll be able to get through some of the backlog, hopefully keep people interested, and still not have to worry too much about the well running dry. If I come up with something better, I'll let you know. Or if I find a way to make some money here so I can justify working on it more regularly (mysterious benefactor, are you listening?).

In the mean time, if you have any suggestions for update schedules, or any story ideas you'd like me to tackle, or any help in increasing readership or monetization, or really anything at all, add it to the comments!

Issue 03 Page 2

He appeals to a very select crowd. But at least they're loyal!

Sunday, September 16, 2012

Issue 03 page 1

Looks like she's trying to get him moving, too!

Monday, September 10, 2012

Summer Draws To A Close

It's kind of weird, but as you're starting to read issue 3, I'm wrapping up issue 11! I only post one page a week to make sure I have a nice buffer and don't run out of material, but the buffer is getting pretty big! At some point I may have to dump some and catch up to myself, but I'm sure as soon as I do I'll run out of time and get behind!

Anyway, since summer is drawing to a close, I thought I'd give you a little extra - the gang has been on a little vacation, and sent in a postcard. It looks like they're having quite a bit of fun, too!

Issue 4 is going to catch us up on some of what they've been up to for the summer (as well as giving a close look at their choices in swimwear), so make sure to stay tuned! It should come along at a good time to warm up your autumn!

Sunday, September 9, 2012

Sunday, September 2, 2012

Issue 02 Page 7

And that ends story #2! I hope you enjoyed it as much as Walter (and all the others) did! We'll be back next week with the start of our third story. If you have any ideas for more crazy things that can happen in the world's greatest coffee shop, be sure and post them in the comments!